With over 5 years of experience in donations management, we have accumulated a significant body of knowledge and experience about In Memoriam donations. We know that, for many funeral directives, administering these donations takes a significant amount of time that could more profitably be spent on other activities, however it’s an important part of the service and if done well, is greatly appreciated by the family and friends of the deceased.

In this section of our website we share some of our extensive knowledge and experience in what we hope will be some useful guides and downloadable documents. Whether you are a current InMemory user or are yet to experience the benefits we can offer, the information below should give you some useful hints and tips to help you improve the way you manage donations – for the benefit of your business, your customers and the charities on whose behalf you are raising funds.

Best practices for donations management

Regardless of how a funeral director manages donations and whether or not they use a solution like InMemory, they should have a policy in place for managing donations which is understood and known by staff. This guide – developed with support from SAIF – can be used as the basis for your own policy.

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Encouraging more donors to make their donation online

Online donations are slowly taking over from cash & cheques, but still account for less than half of In Memoriam donations processed by funeral directors*. Online donations save time, provide more security and make more money for the charity through Gift Aid; this guide gives you some tips to move more of your donations online.

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Information about your online donation service for next of kin

A document for customers of InMemory users to explain how the service works, the benefits of encouraging donors to give online, what happens to the funds raised and what deductions are made. Provided as a Word document so you can edit it to meet your specific requirements.

Download M/S Word document (273KB)

Sample gift aid claim form

In order to claim Gift Aid, a charity needs certain information about the donor. If the donor completes this form when making an offline donation, the charity can use the data to boost the amount donated by 25%.

Download PDF (70KB)

Information for charities receiving funds from InMemory users

Details about the process used by InMemory, steps we take to confirm Gift Aid eligibility and what you can do with the information we send you.

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* Source: InMemory analysis overall donations 2013-2018.